home > what we do > facilitation > philosophy
At HCD, facilitation is a process designed to expand, enrich and deepen our worlds. The objective is to provide learning experiences that have relevance and impact in the “real lives” of learners so that organizational visions can be realized by people who are fulfilled and energized.
We provide frameworks that help people to examine their own beliefs and ways of working; we create environments that encourage people to share their own knowledge and experiences with each other. We prefer to present theory as thought to be considered, experimented with and verified by each person rather than as universal truth. Learning is an active and continuous process, facilitation provides a catalyst, a ”time out” for reflection, a structure for organizing and examining the world around us and identifying what is working and what might have to be changed.
Our focus is on helping organizations and individuals find the intersection of their dreams, values and needs so that they can be realized for both to the greatest extent possible. This means we usually work in the areas of leadership, change, innovation and organizational culture.