Human Capital Development HCD

Rob Schilling

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Rob’s continuing mission for the last 20 years has always been to bring the executive to a place of engagement – of synergy and mutual fulfillment – with the organization. This is the most effective way of sustaining and driving performance: establishing mutuality of interest between the individual executive and his organization.

Rob’s coaching method has evolved to encompass various dimensions and factors that both drive and influence the executive’s ability to achieve and sustain excellence. This includes leadership, performance coaching and lifestyle coaching. Rob has been able to incorporate experience and exposure to various cultures into insight and understanding that enables customization of method and content to suit the individuals, teams and organizations he serves.

Beyond individual coaching, Rob also brings the skills and insights needed to help organizations build coaching cultures using client-defined strategies and solutions. His work has spanned continents, disciplines and areas of business, e.g. FMCG, Financial Services, Energy, Telecoms, the public sector and IT. He has also worked across the length, breadth and depth of organizational architecture: operational managers, support staff, regional and country managers and managing directors.

Rob, a native of California, was raised in New York and Los Angeles. He is now based in Singapore. He has lived in Asia since 1991, having moved to Hong Kong that year. He then moved to Singapore in 1997 and has lived there ever since. His work has taken him across 25 countries and at least three continents.


Other Coaches:
Jane Grafton
Deena De Vries-Jones
Tamiko Kawashima
Eli Matsui
Charlotte Maure
Michelle Ong
Bob Schilling


Copyright 2008 HCD